Wednesday, August 08, 2007

long time no blog.

It is the 8th of August, 2007.

A day of rain? No classes for short. One day after 07-07-07 ^_~, 2nd day of the periodical exams, and 3 days after my UPCAT ><.


I dnt knw why... but i usually have butterflies in my stomach or i get nervous whenever my scores are bad, bagsak, itlog, zero, at hnd pasa. but even the minutes before taking that test i didnt seem to get nervous and stuff... but i know im worried of the result. coz i know i didnt do well...

Still i got a hang-over over that. and i cant seem to forget the dreadful questions i seem to know but cant answer... oh for the love of .......!!! Math and Science are my favorite subjects!!!! and that's how im going to end up... so much for studying... it did nothing to me... >< and now... the first day of exams period has passed... My chinese subject is flunking... and my mind was blocked while answering math questions ...-_-' i dnt knw wat to do now...

Good thing... there's no classes... today.
Ill get some refreshining up to do...*splash*
Clear all my thoughts, problems and worries... *hummmmmn*
and try to write all of those things in here... that's my style of calming down... my prescribed medicine for myself...? therapy... putting it all in my hands... write type or watever...

while watching sumthing.

I just remembered i once dreamed of being an agent, spy, investigator, "yea... you got what i mean..." too much for watching televisions ey'? well actually im dreaming of it until now... CSI, detective conan, ghost in the shell 2nd gig... blah blah and actually my favorite has nuthing to do wid it... BLood plus... ok anime. haha... getting addicting to it now...>< i once asked mum if i cud be a detective... working with crimes you know... holding guns... swords...O.o ooohhh coolio. dunt wori i know how to already...for me ever since i was a child i would go wow... now my reason for wanting to be 'yah' coz of justice...


it's still raining... well i actually predicted that there will be no classes... cool? no? ... freaky but yea... when i woke up... i said "i hope there's no classes..." hahah and then when i was about to go to school... *tada!* "aika! no classes..." there's a part of me that wants to go to school...why? becoz...its just a waste of time actually... not going to school... and it is the periodical exam week ,isnt it? and 4th yr may have classes on saturday because of this... and this rain could go byebye... and its shiny again later... so hott...hotter than yesterday... X_X


im going back to sleep... its 8 in the morning...
music- Greatest day by Kitchie and Barbie.
book- The Alchemist.

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