Sunday, February 04, 2007


1. Name: Aika
2. Last Name: Aika
3. Location: NCR
4. Place of Birth: makati
5. Birthday: march 1 91
6. Male or Female: femme!
7. Bus: none
8. Cellphone #: 0915*****52
9. Occupation: vocalist. dancer.
guitarist. student
10. Initials: A.D.T.L.
11. Screen Name: aikeydocius
12. Hair Color : chestnut
13. Hair Length: medium length
14. Height: 5!
15. Glasses: 75/100
16. shoe size: 6
17. eye color: brown dark

Your Firsts

18. First best friend: pocholo and mark
19. First kiss: dad
20. First Sport You Joined: volleyball
21. First thing you did today: sniff
22: First thing you ate today: chicken
23. First thing you said
today: oo cge
24. First Love: si childhood sweethart
25. First crush: ayyy si anu basta


26. Movie: ewan
27. TV Show: none
28. color: red black wyt pink
29. Rock Band: bamboo
30. Place to get groceries: rustans
31. Food: kahit anu
32. Season: fall
33. Candy: eeew
34. Sports: track
35. Animal: scottish terrier
36. Book(s): waltzing with a dictator
37. Magazine: Home
seventeen. candy. cosmopolitan
38. Doing before you started this
39. Thinking: shopping
40. Wearing: shirt and shorts
41. Crying bout: him
42. Eating: none
43. Drinking: nothing
44. Typing: this
45. Listening To: nothing
46. Thinking about: him
47. Wanting: to see him
48. Watching: nothig
49. Where do you see yourself in 5
yrs: working in a 5 star company
50. Want to be Married: yes
51. Career in Mind: architect/ interior
designer/ part time job theater actress
and fashion designer

Which is Better with the Opposite Sex

52. Hair color: black
53. Hair length: neat-looking
54. Eye color: dark brown
55. Measurements: ?
56. Cute or sexy: pede both
57. Lips or Eyes: eyes!
58. Hugs or Kisses: hugs
59.Small or Tall: tall
60. Easygoing or serious: 50-50
61. Romantic or Spontaneous: romantic
62. Good or Bad: gud... but has the bad
boy look
63. Sensitive or spontaneous: 25%
sensitive 75% spontaneous
64. Hook-up or Relationship: xempre
65. Trouble Maker or Hesitant one:both
kc cute

Have You Ever

66. Kissed a Stranger: no
67. Had surgery: nope.
68. Gone commando: yea
69. Ran Away From Home: muntik
70. Broken a bone: almost
71. Got an X-ray: yea
72. Been on a cruise: yup
73. Dumped someone: yeah
74. Cried When Someone Died: yesh
75. Cried At School: yup

Do You Believe In

76. God: yes
77. Miracles: maybe
78. Love at First Sight: no
79. Ghost: medyo.
80: Aliens: nooo?
81. Soul Mates: ahhh ehhh
82. Answered prayers: yes
83. Kissing on The First Date: this
happens here in the philippines.
84. Horoscopes: yea. it happens to me.

Answer Truthfully

85. Is there someone you wish you had?
. i already hav that sumone.

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