Friday, March 10, 2006

Nothing to do.

Better to be safe than....................have a crush on a young fella.
Strike while the...........................
It is always darkest before...............sunrise.
Never underestimate the power of..........young people.
You can lead a horse to water can you teach a dog to water outside?
Don't bite the hand that..................has dirt all over.
No news is................................always true it always has a false .
A miss is as good as i think.
You can't teach an old dog new............jumping tricks.
If you lie down with dogs, you'll.........smell like a dog.
Love all, trust...........................only God and closest FAMILY& FRIENDS!!!.
The pen is mightier than the..............GUN!.
An idle mind is...........................played by the devil.
Where there's smoke there's...............carbon dioxide.
Happy the bride who.......................gets a gud mother-in-law.
A penny saved is..........................going to be a ZERO.
Two's company, three's....................Aika, Claire nd Anne. four? add faye to the list!
Don't put off till tomorrow what..........what you'll wear for tonight.
Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and.........they'll be the most happiest people in the world(THE GOVN'T).
There are none so blind as................the one who can only see is darkness.
Children should be seen and not...........abused.
If at first you don't succeed.............try harder next time.
You get out of something only what you..........started
When the blind leadeth the blind..........they'll both crash into a wall.
Better late than..........................NEVER!!! I'll stick wid that phrase.

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