Tuesday, May 27, 2008


1.Where is the person you need most
right now?
- sumwhere out there.
2. What's your middle initial?
- t
3. What's your second name
- Danica
4. Where will you be 12 hours from now?
- home
5. Is it easy for others to make you
feel intimidated?
- yea.
6. Do you know what you are going to
wear tomorrow?
- no
7.Wheres your girlfriend/boyfriend/
husband/wife at?
- meron na ba ule?
8. Are you on a desktop or laptop?
- desktop
9. Cry for no reason?
- no. i just dont know why.
10. Can you make yourself cry?
- yea. when i think of sumthing emotional.
11. What are you planning to do today?
- family reunion.
12. Play an instrument?
- i play an instrument but i have no plans of playing one later.
13. Would you go back in time if you
were given a chance?
- yea.
14. What are your favorite colors?
- purple and green.
15. Have you ever had your nails done?
- yes.
16. Where did you get the underwear
your wearing ?
- in my closet. haha.
17. Have you ever had an ex whose
name starts with an R?
- yea.
18. Last person talked on the phone
- rkn
19. What role does that person play in
your life?
- a big role.
20. Are you easily confused?
- yea.
21. Do you think you would make a good
- no.
22. What's your favorite kind of ice cream?
- cheese and vanilla.
25. Have you ever liked someone who
treated you like crap?
- yea.
26. Is your current hair color mostly
your natural hair color?
- i think so.
28. Where were you at 11pm last night?
- in front of the pc
29. Do you fall for people easily?
- nah. i wudnt think bout dat.
30. Does everything happen for a
- yea.
31. Have you ever dated someone more
than once?
- yea?
32. Who have you texted the most in the
last 24 hours?
- rkn
33. Last thing you got in the mail?
- friendster update. damn.
36. When is the last time you saw
number 2 on your top friends?
- after graduation.
37. What are you listening to right
- i love the nightlife.
38. How has the weekend been?
- boring.
39. What do you like about the person
you like?
- almost everything.
40. Is there something/secret you wish you could tell to someone but can't? why ?
- Yea. im not comfortable in doing so.

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