Saturday, April 26, 2008


The consequence of truth.

im actually frightened when i watched algore's film about global warming, "An Inconvenient Truth". and im scared to the fact that im actually talking about it to my dad. and it is actually my second time watching it. more or less three years after it was released I was thinking maybe the consequences are much more bigger that what i have seen on the film.

I just hope kids like me have already thought things like this. It is our future at stake, guys. I have big things in my mind right now. Corrupt govt officials are actually just thinking about money, power and ...MONEY. by the time we've actually realized that truth... it'll be all gone now. By that time, No power no money can actually keep us alive. Im really all eyes to those people who contributed to lessen our carbon dioxide emissions... those people who kept trying to find ways , those people who made hybrid cars to at least lessen these emissions.

And i soon realize that even we use these kinds of cars it is still hard to get back from what our wonderful earth had been some hundred or maybe thousand of years back. It is our fault that we are soon loosing this earth we're living, our animals are dying, endangered, possibly extinct. It is our fault because of our carelessness... we're being irresponsible. And I dont wanna live in those years that we're actually escaping earth... living in a cage world that we need to purify our air.. you know the movie aeon flux? yea that one. a world like that.

Your children are already living in the consequences of our actions. watch the film "An Inconvenient Truth" you'll actually realize that we're already there. It is true no one can deny it cause we're experiencing it right now. It is not just an economic crisis, it is also a political crisis, and a WORLD crisis that we need to solve once and for all.

For as long as there are people who are trying to solve how to lessen those carbon emissions, how to refresh the state of our planet. There is still hope.

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