Sunday, January 20, 2008


“My life is crumbling around me, and all I can do is watch the sand sift through my shaky fingers. Everything I touch is destroyed in a matter of days. I am a plague, cursing all those around me. I am scorned every waking minute of every blazing day. With a fake smile on my face, and tear stains in my heart, I make the best of each day. Less painful than the wicked truth. Life spiralling out of control . . . why won’t it stop? When will it end? The time is now. I must leave you. And never forget — I love you. No matter what.”

"despite the pain of living, everyone still does it...."

"If I were dead, you'd all finally feel the pain I feel every day"

"I was the chapstick in your purse, to keep you smooth.
I was the finger in your throat, to keep you cute.
My liver hates you for walking out on us.
My kidney’s drowning in a pool of a long lost love." ----weird toh

"pain doesn't feel so bad when it's all you've ever felt"

"you just love the pleasure you get from my pain don't you?"

"Let your god take you to a better place"

"this is your life and its ending one minute at a time."

"I'm not living, just merely exsisting, trying as hard as I can not to die in this world full of lies. Each day I hesitate, fearful that if I give you my trust, you will break me."

"Tomorrow is just another broken interpretation of today."

"Today's memories are tomorrows tears."

"There are strings in the human heart that had better not be vibrated."

"All the knowledge I possess everyone else can acquire, but my heart is all my own."

"teddies dont hug back but sometimes they're all you've got."

"it's quite ironic that in life, the person that brings out the best in you and the one that makes you strong is actually your weakness.."

"ill just pretend to hug you until you're here."

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