Friday, March 30, 2007

4th yr haiskul na me.

4th year highschool...

wow, one time we were just in preschool.... elementary.... then just recently 1st year highschool. now we are already seniors.

i was just 2 and a half years old when i first started school... school, how will i miss these memorable momentos... just thinking of college makes me teary-eyed.

as what anne had said "this promenade is just the start of our senior days."
March 16 our prom night

just as expected i am not one of the nominees of prom princess. aawww...
hahah joke. but we sure do make a sweet couple.

Prom King07' -Raymond Go
Prom Queen07' -Aimee Grace Choa-Yu
Prom Prince07' -Wesley Marquez-Lim
Prom Princess07' -Aisha Mae Lim
Prom's Best Dress Junior- Aisha Mae Lim
Prom's Best Suit Junior- Robbie Cynric Ng
Prom's Cutest Couple- Gladys Lizanne Tan & Kelvin???
Prom's Sweetest Couple- Me! & Robi Kerr Navarro

just check out sum pics. in my multiply blog.

of corz...
ive got alot of plans for my summer.

-ballroom dancing
-review for entrance exams
-and alot of gimicks.

mehn! all ive got to do on my first three days are type-type nd more typing...
and i dont actually get why they have to put it on the computer it is on the paper already why bother type?

oh ok. i get it. data.
but i still dont get what i am here. sexytary? clerk? what? idont knw. and im getting bored on wat i am doing... oh shocks all these. for shopping! ill do! hahah

it's our break time... yes, im here at the office, but it's break time leave me alone, i just finished lunch...and i love the fud! sardines on tomato sauce weeee!! yummy! i just wished my salary is worth my sweat and my fingers' sore.

ok summer must-haves...........
-board shorts
-and more clothes.

hahah. ok tata. ive got work to do. break's finished!

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