Saturday, July 08, 2006

DEFENDING DANNY LIM(shut up administration!)

Defending Danny Lim by Romeo Lim

BRIG. Gen. Danilo "Danny" Lim, relieved commander of the Philippine Army First Scout Ranger Regiment, really took his licks from the official comment made by the AFP on the video where he allegedly announced his withdrawal of support from the government. A very tragic fate, if not an outright maltreatment, from the institution that he has served so well.

According to the AFP pronouncement, the video "belies every single denial of (Lim) conspiring to a coup, etc., which he maintained during the investigation conducted by the (National Bureau of Investigation)." The AFP also accuses Lim of breaking the chain of command as well as endangering national security. "(Lim’s) actions betrayed the people who entrusted him a second chance at the military profession after his involvement in a past rebellion. Their obsession for power is a sign that he and his cohorts are beyond reform and should be made accountable for their actions."

Lim is no relative of mine but I had the honor of serving with him in the Scout Rangers. He is an idealist of the highest order with only the best intentions for the men under him and the country he has sworn to serve. I also know him to be an officer and a gentleman, one who will let this tirade go by mainly unanswered for fear of further tainting the AFP as an institution, especially since he is still on active duty. And, since I am already retired and officially no longer part of the institution, I will take the opportunity to speak on his behalf because the AFP should never want for men like him, if only to preserve its zeal to defend our democratic institutions.

It is alarming that the AFP should come out with a statement already condemning the alleged actions of Lim when, in fact, the matter is still under an internal investigation. No less than PA chief Lt. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon has confirmed that there is no final report yet on the matter from the AFP Inspector General. Hence any judgment or call for disciplinary action is premature. Obviously, with the release of the AFP’s official comment demanding that Lim be made accountable, this case has already been pre-judged. Unless, of course, that report is as highly classified as the Mayuga Report on the "Hello Garci" general that even Esperon is not entitled to know about it.

The statement also declares the AFP’s intention, among others, "to remain apolitical" and "never tolerate any of its men or women who will lend the military’s power to subvert our democracy in order to advance a group’s vested interests and aggrandizement." Unfortunately for the AFP, in its haste to react to the Lim video and make propaganda waves, it has treaded into self-contradictory waters. I have no quarrel with the AFP remaining apolitical, as it must be insulated from partisan politics. But, in the final analysis, can anything really be "apolitical" or non-partisan? It seems to me that being apolitical now only preserves a status quo that has tainted the AFP’s reputation as the protector of our people with scandals like electioneering generals and committed it to an unattainable two-year deadline to defeat the communist insurgency. Sadly, these other facts have been omitted in the condemnation of Lim.

What about the part of not allowing itself to be used as a pawn to "advance a group’s vested interests?" Is this consistent with the AFP’s being supposedly apolitical? If this were true, then neither EDSA I or II would have happened. And, clearly, the men and women of the AFP have been hailed as heroes for their decisive role in both events. If you are looking for consistency here, better forget it. This is just another case of the victors writing history as they see fit. I wonder what the AFP would be saying now if both EDSA revolts were crushed.

The timing of the video is suspect coming on the heels of the filing of the new impeachment complaints in Congress. It seems like another botched publicity stunt to divert public attention. Even the government’s interpretation that it proves the existence of a group attempt is suspect. At most, Lim and men were planning to join unarmed the scheduled anti-Arroyo rallies then. There was never any mention of making any takeover attempts. Everything about the video and its mysterious release is suspect. Everything but Danny Lim and his principles.

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